Christian Activist
Bill Armstrong was a vital leader in the national evangelical movement, and one of the most highly sought speakers at prayer breakfasts and other Christian events across the nation. He did not believe in cloaking his political views in the mantle of Christianity (which he thought sacrilegious). But with a good mood and charming wit, and with the self-discipline to avoid seeming judgmental or self-righteous, Armstrong pursued the life of a Christian statesman, involved in the most important issues of the day, and with an approach that was centered on his Christian principles. He believed that made his life, and his political work, more interesting, and more effective. He routinely opened meetings with prayers, frequently discussed the importance of religion in politics, and was ready to offer his Christian testimony at almost any invitation.

Armstrong in a TV ad filmed for the “Colorado Tax Force on Religious Freedom1996
He was the lead sponsor of legislation making 1983 the “Year of the Bible,” and declaring a national day of prayer in 1988, which became an annual event. He helped organize the “Washington for Jesus” rally in 1980, hosted Bible study meetings in both the House and Senate,
and served as keynote speaker at the 1988 National Prayer Breakfast, where Billy Graham later called him “the most inspirational and enlightening speaker the Breakfast has ever had.” He served for many years on the board of Campus Crusade for Christ (now called Cru), as well as Trinity Forum, and the Christian Businessman’s Committee. He was an active supporter of Prison Fellowship and many other national Christian groups. He believed civic involvement is the duty of Christians, and taught that the responsibilities of American citizens, and of committed Christians, are inextricably connected.

Armstrong holds press conference with Soviet
dissident Mikhail Makarenko, 1982